• Learn and apply appropriate problem solving and decision making processes and methods
  • Identify common challenges / biases to effective problem solving and decision making
  • Assess conceptual blocks and significant situational challenges which lead to bad decisions
  • Apply these learnings to enhance leadership development and organizational performance
  • Learn different types of thinking – Critical thinking / Divergent thinking / Convergent thinking and use it for effective problem solving


Module 1  – Why is Creative Problem Solving needed?

  • Changing Business Contexts – The VUCA world
  •  Creative Problem Solving + Faster Decisions = Better Profits
  • Examples of Ideas that disrupted the world
  • Is Creative problem solving a Skill?
  • Role of a Manager / Leader in Problem Solving

Module 2 – What is a Problem ?  

  • Defining “The Problem”
  • Are all “problems” really a “problem”?
  • Is the problem a cause or symptom ?
  • Defining “Decision Making”
  • Are all “Decisions” really a “decision?”
  • Do we “ need “to solve problem?
  • Is your decision congruent to the personal / organisational values / ethics?

Module 3 – Block Busting Problems (James Adams)  

  • The Perceptual Block
  • The Emotional Block
  • Cultural & Environmental Blocks
  • Intellectual and Expressive Blocks
  • Stereotyping and Unconscious Biases
  • Blockbusting solutions

Module 4 : Creative Problem solving and Decision Making – The Process  

  • Kepner Tregoe Rational Process
  • Situation Appraisal
  • Problem Analysis
  • Decision Analysis
  • Potential Problem / Opportunity Analysis

Module 5: Critical Thinking  

  • Thinking Fast and slow – Eliminating Unconscious Bias (Daniel Kanhemann’s Book review)
  • The 8 Elements of The Critical Thinking Process (Reflection, Analysis, Acquisition of information, Creativity, Structuring arguments, Decision making, Commitment, Debate.
  • 6 Stages of Development in Critical thinking (Linda Paul & Richard Elder Model)
  • The Unreflective Thinker
  • The Challenged Thinker
  • The Beginning Thinker
  • The Practicing Thinker
  • The Advanced Thinker
  • The Accomplished Thinker

Module 6 : Convergent & Divergent Thinking  

  • Characteristics of  Convergent and Divergent thinking
  • Steps in Convergent Thinking
  • Steps in Divergent thinking
  • Examples and practice sessions in Convergent and Divergent Thinking
  • Using Convergent and Divergent thinking in conjunction

Module 7 : Techniques for Problem Solving  

  • The Five Why Technique
  • Fish Bone Diagram Method
  • Brainstorming
  • Quality Circles
  • The Root Cause Analysis
  • Pareto Technique
  • Six Thinking Hats

Module 8 – Implementing the Decisions  

  • Action Plan & Preparing the details
  • Ethical & Social Concerns
  • Ownership of decisions
  • Personal Decision Making
  • Organisational Decision Making
  • Democratic Decision Making
  • Challenges in Decision Making