Cultural Intelligence training course

Course Objective:

  • An understanding of Globalization
  • How to improve your Cultural Intelligence (CI)
  • The latest knowledge about the seven major dimensions of culture
  • Ways to improve your cross-cultural communication
  • Best-practice in expatriate management
  • Cross-Cultural Negotiation

Course Outline:

The Course Content

Understanding Culture & Globalisation

  • Where culture comes from and why it matters
  • Understanding Globalisation
  • Your own cultural map
  • The seven levels of culture (National, Workplace, Gender, Age, Regional, Religious, Occupation)
  • The Hofstede five cultural value dimensions

Communicating Across Cultures

  • Why communication differences and barriers occur
  • How to remove barriers to communication
  • Stereotypes and stereotyping explored
  • Non-verbal communication (body-language) and culture
  • Workplace culture and the impact on organisational communicatio

Cross-Cultural Negotiation

  • The basics of negotiation
  • Cultural differences in negotiation
  • Overestimating and underestimating cultural differences in negotiation
  • Negotiation traps to avoid
  • Developing your cross-cultural negotiation skills

Managing Expatriate Workers and Inclusion

  • International assignments and global career development
  • Why international assignments fail
  • Culture shock and global working
  • The business case for diversity and inclusion
  • Establishing a Nationalisation Programme

Developing a Global Mindset

  • Innovation and culture
  • Developing a global mindset
  • How to improve your CI
  • Managing in multi-national organisations
  • Personal Action Planning