Welcome To HR Webinar

Organizational culture is a factor that helps in employee retention while salary and other benefits are only temporary factors to attract potential candidates. The culture of empowerment ensures that the employees, as well as the business, can overcome challenges, give their best and thrive. It creates large benefits for your organization, including higher levels of creativity and innovation, better customer service, stronger morale, and improved hiring. The webinar will help you to create a great culture in your organization to get long-term benefits.

  • Command and Control vs. Engaged
  • Silos, barriers, rigid, fear of failure vs. transparency, flexibility, responsive, innovative
  • Work to Rule, pass or fail, in or out, right or wrong vs. Coaching, care, collaboration, work-life balance
  • Do your job! vs. Learn, grow and improve – and then do your job with more joy!
  • Not Only the Right and Good Thing to Do – It’s Smart Business


David Lutes

David is an American-British dual national with 25+ years of management and leadership consulting and training experience in over 25 countries. Educated in South Africa and the UK, he has extensive experience in the Middle East (12+ yrs.), Central and Eastern Europe (15+ yrs.), Western Europe (12 yrs.), US (9 yrs.), APAC (3 yrs.) and Africa (12+ yrs.). He is an Organizational Development, Talent Management, Training, Change Management Consultant, and Master Trainer and Certified Executive Coach as well as a well-known conference speaker with many years international experience at a senior strategic executive, middle management and operational level with several global FTSE100/250/500 companies. He has held very senior Organizational Change Management and L&D responsibilities with several oil and gas companies in the Middle East, CIS and APAC. He specializes in realistic, cost-effective and sensible Workforce Development and Succession Planning.

Professional experience

  • Founder/Director – McCluen-Martin Associates (UAE, US, UK) 2011-Present
  • Head of Talent, OD, Training – Petrofac International (Ventures Group) 2008-11
  • Senior HR/OD Consultant, Trainer, Coach – Numerous GCC Top Corporates
  • Senior OD/HR Consultant – Washington University in St Louis
  • Forum :HR Forum
  • Seminar :HR Webinar
  • Topic :Leading and Building an Empowered Organizational Culture
  • Date :2nd April 2021
  • Time :7.00 – 8.30pm (Dubai, UAE Time)
  • Phone :+971 5458 156 20
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