Grow exponentially in your Career Be a Lean & Six Sigma Certified HR Professional. Add value to your organisation

The concept of Lean Management and Six Sigma has been gaining increasing importance in business thought for decades. At its core Lean Management and Six Sigma is about achieving more and more with less. Its focus is the optimization of process to improve performance, quality and innovation, and through this driving cost efficiency.

The program is aligned with the role of future HR which needs to shift from “Transactional HR to Transformational HR”. The concept of Lean & Six Sigma in HR is an attempt to efficiently bring together quantitative and qualitative manpower resources, and to further optimize HR Processes to
the benefit of the Organization and create real value for the customer.

Lean & Six Sigma Green Belt in HR Certification, developed exclusively for HR professionals is designed to give you a solid understanding of Lean & Six Sigma principles and teach you how to effectively contribute to process improvement in HR & Organizational context.

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Importance of Lean Six Sigma HR Qualification in present market and HR Profession:

  • Emphasis of UAE Govt. on “Transformative rather than Transactional HR”
  • Innovation and Continuous Improvement are going to be most desired skills in the UAE Market by 2020
  • Most of the organizations move towards Lean management and Six Sigma during times of economic turbulence
  • Lean HR professionals have Business acumen, innovation, strategic orientation and Leadership skills required for “Transformative HR”
  • Foundation of a sustainable HR Department is built on lean principles
  • Administrative and transactional roles of HR are going to diminish in near future due to digital disruptions such as HRMS and AI tools
  • Innovative HR is the need of the hour
  • Lean Six Sigma provides a solid foundation for a “process” oriented HR who creates “Value” not “Waste”
  • Lean Six Sigma HR practitioners will be required in all key transformation projects

Training is the most important activity in the development of human resources. To put the right man at the right place has now become essential in today’s globalized market. Since no organization has a choice on whether or not to develop employees, the HR function is the life blood of any enterprise. It is well-established that only through well-trained personnel, can an organization achieve its goals.

Trained manpower has a direct impact on

  • Growth, expansion and modernization
  • Productivity and profitability, reduces cost and finally enhances skill and knowledge
  • Prevents obsolescence. Helps in developing a problem solving attitude
  • Gives people awareness of rules and procedures

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