Sl No Program Objectives Outcomes
1 BEST PROCUREMENT PRACTICES Support Operational Requirements Helps companies achieve savings and productivity gains
Manage Procurement Processes in a legal & ethical manner Contributes to the bottom line
Develop Strong Relationship with Stakeholders Assists users in making the specifications better
Learn to develop integrated purchasing strategy Assists in playing an active role in implementation of business process and strategies
2 BEST PRACTICES IN SUPPLY CHAIN Add value to customers and stakeholders Financial Benefits & Profit Margin
Improve Customer Services Balancing Varied Stakeholders Value
Effectively Use System wide Resources Identify & Sustain Environmental impacts
Leverage Partner Strengths Effectively use system wide resources
Improve Customer Service
3 STRATEGIC VENDOR MANAGEMENT Understanding Vendor operations & sustain Long term alliances Gain control over vendors supporting the business
Developing effective communications Optimize spending by understanding spend analysis
Set up & Implement structured process to analyse and manage key suppliers Drive value thru effective vendor classifications
Mitigate Risks with vendors of critical business applications
4 WINNING NEGOTIATIONS Methods of preparing for negotiations Understand negotiation objectives including different options
Negotiation best practices Develop negotiation scenarios
Building Alternative solutions Deliver the highest results possible while maintaining long term relationships
Understanding Negotiation strategies
Role of intercultural analysis Being a Global Negotiator
5 Essential SELLING SKILLS &Customer Engagement  Define the sales process from finding new clients to servicing existing one’s  Create a positive impression through effective grooming while dealing with internal and external customers.
Identify methods for prospecting and effective territory coverage  Develop an assertive style of communication to handle queries efficiently and create “win-win” solution.
Review and analyse the prospect pipeline  Understand the psychological elements involved to boost add on sales increasing both top and bottom line.
Handling Sales Objections Achieve immediate increase in sales conversions and bottom line. Achieve and exceed the given sales targets.
Identify Sales Objectives Understanding the Types of Selling Build rapport and connect with people. Begin the relationship with a warm welcome experience. Communicate more effectively and assertively.
How To Close a Sale Understand customer’s needs effectively -Deliver better, faster service and increase customer satisfaction
Maximising Customer Relationships An emotionally engaged, intelligent and spirited staff.
Build a Winning Sales Plan
Overcome reasons of Sales Failures
Handling Objections
Drive Customer Loyalty
Improve Margins
Explore your dreams and get rewarded
6 TIME & STRESS MANAGEMENT Develop skills to plan and set goals which are clear and meet the objective Realize the importance of time management to lead a productive and non-stressful life
 Understand how to prioritize and manage work activities for effective implementation of tasks Learn to control your work environment and communicate well to meet quality standards and deadlines
7 EXCELLENCE IN CUSTOMER SERVICE Identify features of Excellent Customer service Understand techniques for dealing with difficult customers
Recognize actions and behaviors that irritate customers Recognize that service delivery is an individual response value.
Body Language & its importance Understand how your own behavior impacts the behavior of others.
Understand how to Communicate clearly& respectfully with customers& coworkers Develop more confidence and skill as a problem-solver.
Explain Different Customer Behaviors Styles & know how to address them Learn some ways to make customer service a team approach.
Communicate more assertively and effectively.
8 BUSINESS WRITING SKILLS Learn the ABC’s of business writing for achieving better results. Improved performance in preparing and structuring a variety of written documents
Practice key techniques for writing effective emails, letter and memos Ability to persuade – Respond to different types of email, depending on the objectiv
Demonstrate professionalism by writing in a clear  specific and positive manner Understand the nuances of writing ineffective emails and their consequences on the reader
Developing a professional, reader-friendly written style in your business correspondence Deliver concrete conclusions through organized structure and flow
9 INTERPERSONAL & DECISION MAKING SKILLS Identify and Discuss the Importance and Key Characteristics of Effective Interpersonal skills at the work place Recognize the Expectations Your Manager, Peers, Employees, and Others in the company
Assess Potential and Real Barriers to Your Successful Use of Interpersonal skills Identify How Perceptions Shape and Influence Your Interaction with Others & their response to you
Apply Perception-Checking Skills to Reduce Misunderstandings and Faulty assumptions Recognize and Appropriately Respond to Expressions of Emotion at Work
Recognize the Differences Among Assertive, Non-Assertive, and Aggressive Behaviors Analyze Cross-Cultural Interactions to Maximize Shared Understandings
Recognize Common Verbal Barriers to the Creation of Shared Meaning
Recognize Interpersonal Behaviors That Contribute to the Productive or destructive nature of conflicts
10 COMMUNICATION & INTERPERSONAL SKILLS To set clear guidelines for effective communication To understand different behavioural styles and learn to modify your behaviour to achieve best results
To consider the role of effective interpersonal skills in the multi-cultural workplace of the Gulf To understand how to give and receive constructive feedback as a way to build better relationships
Identify and Analyze Communication Styles and Practice Appropriate To demonstrate assertive behaviour
Motivate and Influence Others to Work Cooperatively Toward Achieving Organizational & Team Goals
11 Planning Organizing & Prioritizing
12 Ethics in Procurement
13 Conflict Management & Influencing Skills
14 PRESENTATION SKILLS Build structured yet engaging presentations that conveys ideas and connect with a range of audiences Apply the principles of persuasion and connection to develop and deliver influential presentation in variety of contexts
Prepare convincing solutions while anticipating resistance and responding to questions § Used posture and movement to give additional impact to verbal messages Build rapport and credibility to persuade your audience and gain commitment while challenging perceptions ,driving actions or inspiring change
Use posture and movement to give additional impact to verbal messages to entice the audience and gain acceptance  Improve public speaking skills and knowledge of effective presentation techniques to present professionally and confidently as well as gain full engagement of the audience
Review how to prepare presentations and visual aids to be interesting Understand that presentations are not everything written
Identify the best ways to interact with the audience Getting to a YES
15 Mindfulness & Stress Management (1 day) Learn how to be Mindful
Manage work stress successfully Work-life balance
Develop Ability to prioritize Improved productivity
Improve focus More creativity
16  Lean Thinking/Lean HR/Lean Management (1 day) Understand the Lean systems Create Value not waste
Develop lean thinking More productivity with less resources
Sustain lean & agile work culture Long term strategic edge
17   Interviewing Skills (1 day) Understand various types of interviews Effective Talent acquisition
Developing effective interviewing skills Increased Productivity
18 Managerial Development Program (2 day) Ensuring personal growth Improved decision making
Increasing the capabilities of managers Improved team work
Develop a winning team Improved productivity
19 Supervisor Development Program (1-2 days) Develop skills for setting goals, coaching and motivating, and developing employees Effective team management
Develop skills for effective performance management Increased Productivity
Develop an action plan for personal and career development Team development
20  Emotional Intelligence (1 day) Develop self awareness Effective team management
Self Management
Develop Emotional quotient Interpersonal effectiveness
21 Creative Thinking (1 day) Understand creative thinking techniques Creative Problem-Solving
Develop a systematic approach to idea generation
Tackling global challenges & everyday problem Innovation
22 Change Management (1 day) Prepare for handling & managing change in the organization Change-Savvy Managers
Learn various techniques for managing change Foster and develop change-ready employees
Best Practices in Change Management Build capacity for continuous change
23  Balance score card (1 day) Understanding Balance score card Better Strategic Planning
Learn formulation & implementation of BSC Improved Strategy Communication & performance
24 Employee Engagement (1 day) Learn Employee Engagement philosophy Increased employee satisfaction
Best Practices in Emplyee Engagement Increased Productivity
How to manage & sustain EE Efforts Innovation & Profitability
25 Setting Goals and Objectives Understanding the importance of setting goals and objectives More productive life
Developing SMARTER Goals Systematic Approach to achieve goals
Creating a system of success for yourself Unleashing and achieving your full potential
27 7 Habits of Highly Effective people Assume full accountability for results Increased effeciency and effectiveness to achieve long term and short term goals  trhough 7 habits of highly effective people
Prioritize and achieve most important goals Unleashing and achieving your full potential
Collaborate more effectively by building mutual trust Success in every aspect of life
Integrate continous improvement and learning
29 Warehouse and inventory control Understand the warehouse operations Improved efficiencies in warehousing
Understand the principles of inventory management Better management of inventory
Appreciate the strategic importance of warehousing and inventory management Formulate and implement improved strategies in the domain of inventory and warehousing
30 Inco terms  & LC Understand the connotation of each INCOTERM Better understanding of the task, cost and risk implications of Incoterms
Understand the correct application of each INCOTERM Reduced risk in international trade
Learn the LC opening and operating cycles Enable professionals to improve LC operations and minimize discrepencies
Understand documentation related to LC
31 5 S Appreciate the power of Visual Management Develop strategic orientation to workplace management
Understand each of the 5S phases Improved productivity
Planning for 5S deployment Improved safety and morale
32 Six Sigma Yellowbelt To create awareness on Six Sigma Better understanding of critical business issues
To familiarise the participants on various facets
of Six Sigma
Imoproved data orientation and data anaylsis skills
To equip the participants with the  Six Sigma
methodology framework
Enhanced problem solving skills
33 Kaizen Understand the principle of continual improvement Improved process efficiencies
Understand the tools and techniques of Kaizen Improved employee morale
Deployment of Kaizen Improved teamwork
34 Lean Understand the principles of Lean Reduced wastes
Understand process wastes Reduced cost
Use Value Stream Mapping to improve processes Faster process turnaround
35 Statistical forecasting using MS Excel Understand  the role of forecasting in business decisions Better forecasts
Learn forecasting technqiues like Simple and Moving averages, Exponential Smoothing, ARMA/ARIMA Reduce wastes due to poor forecasting
Understanding and improving the accuracy of forecasting models Better decision making
35 Problem Solving and Decision making Recognise personal barriers to problem solving and ways to overcome these barriers
Understand the problem solving process and models
Understand team synergistic problem solving and decision making Increased problem solving and decision making skills to optimum effect
Be aware of the individual and team behaviours when teams are problem solving as a group Timely and well considered decisions
Understand the role of creativity when faced with challenges that require new thinking Leading you and your team to well deserved success
Most effective approach to decision making
36 International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Awareness Classify the 9 hazard classes of DG Gaining  knowledge of Dangerous goods for Cargo operations
Indentify the proper Shipping names of dangerous goods
properly mark,label or placard dangerous goods according to thr IMDG code Learning packaging and storage requirements of Dangerous Goods
Load/unload cargo transport units(CTU)  Systematic  handling  of Dangerous goods as per IMDG code
Prepare and complete a Dangerous Goods form accurately
Offer Dangerous Goods for sea transport
Accept , handle and carry Dangerous goods by sea transport
Prepare Dangerous goods for loading and stowage plans
Load/unload Dangerous Goods into/from ship
37 Dangerous Goods (DG) Awareness Understanding the origins of current regulations Gain relevant knowledge and understanding of Dangerous goods .
Apply regulations to identify classes , marking and labeling applicable to dangerous goods shipment The potential hazards and the procedures applicable to the transport by Air
Apply dangerous goods emergency response procedures
Understanding UAE regulations with regards to Dangerous goods
Responsibilty of Shippers and operators
Marking and Labeling of Dangerous Goods
Loading , storage and inspection
38 Neuro linguistic programming produce a persuasive purpose for self Improving what you already do now.
Master your subconscious mind so that you can learn more quickly than traditional teaching methods could ever allow Improved leadership,
Overcome the hurdles which prevent you from taking your business or career to the next level Motivate yourself and others
to enhance morale and influence other people also by controlling pressure, way of thinking and the manner of behaving Think better, think more clearly and make better decisions
Master your own emotions so that you handle all eventualities easily Enhance personal and personal relationships
39 Finance for Non Finance Manager Linking organisational financial profitability to individual actions Positive impact on the financial education of the participants helping them to be armed with new skills and knowledge to deliver desired output,
Developing skills on financial planning and budgeting helping the organization to achieve its goals and objectives efficiently and effectively through optimum utilization of resources in a much organized way.
Enabling participants to take better decisions based on cost benefit analysis
Understanding financial concepts and using that to create a personal financial plan
Interpreting financial reports and forecasting financial decisions