Course Objective:

  • Understand the importance of strategy to an organization.
  • Identify the factors, which influence strategy.
  • Link the strategy with an organization’s overall objectives.
  • Understand the manager’s role in creating and implementing a strategy.
  • Develop and implement a strategic plan.
  • Develop a flexible approach to planning and incorporating contingency options.
  • Improve the decision making process.
  • Understand the impact of a strategy on people.
  • Measure the success of the plan.
  • Recognize why strategic plans fail and how to avoid the mistakes of others.
  • Sharpen your strategic decision-making skills to develop strategic reflexes in competitive situations
  • Understand and recognize the differences between a situation that is essentially operational and one that has clear strategic implications
  • Ensure the real incorporation of the competitive dimension in the formulation of strategy
  • Acquire strategic principles for guiding the effective deployment of resources to realize the role that senior

Course Outline

The Strategic Mind in Business

  • Applying strategic structures, strategic deployment and strategic principles inside the company
  • Effective business strategist
  • Nurturing and developing the strategic mind

Assessing Current State of the Organization

  • Leadership
  • Strategic planning
  • Customer and market focus
  • Measurement, analysis and knowledge management
  • Human resources focus
  • Process management
  • Business results

Philosophy, Purpose and Mission

  • Developing the guiding philosophy
  • Establishing purpose and mission
  • Organizational

The Need for Greater Creativity and Innovation

  • Challenging accepted norms
  • The need to continually re-appraise
  • Changing the boundaries
  • Increasing your options
  • Introducing the creative process to the business environment
  • Measuring the use of creative thinking

Developing Successful Businesses

  • Business goals – the prime areas of focus
  • Business success – key drivers
  • Business stability – avoiding failure

How Thinking Works

  • The all important ‘first stage’ of thinking
  • Vertical versus lateral thinking
  • Measurement: prediction and evaluation of outcomes
  • Emotion: natural responses to issues, choices and options
  • Creating: combining approaches and incorporating additional external input

How to Keep the Mind Open

  • Logically assessing your thinking stage
  • Suspending implementation of the obvious solution
  • Pro-actively reaching for new ways, ideas, principles, realities

Creative Thinking

  • The psychology of problem solving
  • Defining six types of problem
  • Force fields and driving forces – how to use them
  • Breaking from traditional thinking patterns – structured brainstorming
  • Using creative thinking skills to identify objectives
  • Project management using creative thinking techniques
  • Accumulating a quantity solution
  • Using the paired-choice matrix to identify the best solution

Environmental Analysis

  • The environment and what’s changing
  • Impact on future choices

Industry Analysis

  • The nature and intensity of the competition
  • The bargaining power of the industry
  • Analysis and actions

Corporate Analysis

  • SWOT questions and analysis

Market Analysis

  • Identifying your strategic business unit
  • The critical success factor of the market.
  • Market mapping – analysis and actions

Organizational Analysis

  • Key areas of change required
  • Setting corporate direction

Creating Value for the Business – the Benefits of a Strategic Approach

  • Clear direction for a dynamic organization
  • Creating competitive advantage
  • Effectively planning the use of resources
  • Creating a direction and unifying the team

Developing the Strategic Plan

  • The place for strategy and tactics
  • Introducing a strategic mindset
  • Creating time for strategic thinking
  • Encouraging creativity within the strategy
  • The key strategic planning skills
  • Analyzing the business environment in which the organization operates
  • Developing choices through option analysis
  • Using critical paths to aid decision making
  • Identifying the key resources
  • Setting clear and measurable objectives
  • Risk analysis

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Strategic Planning

  • Lack of vision
  • Captured by the past
  • Lured into complacency by success
  • Inability to evaluate fresh ideas
  • Denying the truth
  • Inside the box thinking
  • Strategic drift

Implementing and Managing the Strategy – Delivering Results

  • Securing ownership of the strategy
  • Overcoming resistance and gaining commitment to the strategy
  • Using consultation to empower colleagues and improve decision making
  • Strategy and organizational culture
  • Using scenario planning to help identify future direction
  • Managing risk
  • Evaluating and implementing action

Evaluation – Keeping the Strategy Dynamic

  • How to react to opportunities and threats
  • Keeping the plan flexible – adapting to changes in the environment
  • Developing and adapting long term objectives
  • Measuring success
  • Identifying and learning lessons