By the end of the course, the participants of this course will be able to understand:

  • Basics of Succession Planning
  • Importance of holistic succession planning process
  • Prerequisites of Success Planning
  • Approach to Succession Planning & Management
  • Choosing internal vs external successors
  • Key aspects of an effective Succession Planning & Management System
  • Continuum of Succession Processes
  • Obstacles to the effective succession management process
  • Mistakes to avoid in Succession Planning process
  • Measuring the effectiveness of Success Planning intervention


Basics of Succession Planning

  • What is Succession Planning?
  • Importance of Succession Planning
  • Key stakeholders in the Succession Planning process
  • Succession Planning Vs. Succession Management

Key characteristics/framework of Succession Management process

  • Various characteristics of the effective Succession Management process

Key Steps in Succession Planning

  • Identify future business/customer needs
  • Identify key positions and competencies.
  • Select high potential candidates
  • Select & implement appropriate training & development interventions
  • Monitor and evaluate

Selecting High Potential Candidates

  • Criteria for selecting high potential employees-Performance & Potential
  • 9 box model(9 x 9 grid)
  • Use of psychometric tools for selecting high potential employees
  • Selecting Internal Vs External talent

Obstacles to the Succession Planning process  

  • Understanding potential hurdles to the Succession Planning process
  • Key mistakes to avoid in Succession Planning process

Talent Retention Strategies in Succession Planning Process

  • Importance of retaining talent/potential successors
  • Various talent engagement initiatives
  • Communication initiatives for improving talent engagement
  • ‘Employee Connects’ as a talent retention tool
  • Competitive Compensation and Benefits

Key pointers to consider in Succession Planning Process

  • Importance of individual employee career goals and objectives in the Succession Management process
  • Effective communication with individuals who are identified as high-potentials and designated successors
  • Career coaching/counselling
  • Role of mentoring in developing top talent

Succession Planning case studies

  • Succession Planning case studies in various industries/sectors

Measuring the Effectiveness of Strategic Succession Planning Process

  • Different methods/metrics to measure the effectiveness of Strategic Succession Planning process