In the government sector,  Supply chain is at the heart of efficient service delivery. To ensure government services are delivered efficiently and effectively, supply chain professionals need to understand how to work within a complex business environment. Supply chain in the government sector is a difficult task as the movement of goods and services through a number of bureaucratic levels and government agencies takes time, requires complex planning and is susceptible to errors. Delays in the chain of events can lead to faulty directives issued by the central government, slower delivery times, inaccurate data, and loss of revenue. All these things distort the supply chain flow at large.

The business environment is changing rapidly; the global economy is on shaky ground while at the same time, government procurement budgets across the board are shrinking. These contrasting factors – decreasing budgets and increasing demands for productivity and efficiency – bring about significant challenges to government organizations. It is widely known that Government departments are struggling to keep pace with the growing demands for access to information and services from citizens. These days, it’s increasingly rare to hear about government services which are delivered and completed successfully. The poor service levels likely stem from inadequate supply chain management, with a “build it and they will come” approach commonly being used when delivering new services.
Eventually, procurement organizations need to be able to cover effectively all domains relevant to their operations: financial, legal, HR, IT etc.

Supply chain management in government sectors can be a challenging area, as the supply chain is frequently fragmented and complex. This can make tracking, tracing, and managing supply chains dangerous and inefficient. Procurement specialists must rely on several government supply chains each day to locate specific orders or products that are handled by multiple third-party organizations.

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