Course Objectives

  • Study effective team operations
  • Analyze effective communications strategies
  • Understand how to give and receive effective feedback
  • Consider effective team dynamics and decision making
  • Explore team problem solving and conflict resolution mechanisms
  • Examine time management and personal productivity

  Course Outline

 Fundamentals of High Performance Teams

  • Analyzing the basics of team operations
  • Obtaining the benefits of teams
  • Considering the four types of teams
  • Building team performance
  • Understanding the role of the team leader

 Basic Communication

  • The basics of face-to-face communication
  • Creating effective oral communication
  • Making successful presentations
  • Understanding the skill of active listening
  • Overcoming barriers to communications

Giving and Receiving Feedback

  • Learning to give effective feedback to others with scripts
  • Receiving critical feedback effectively
  • Understanding positive and negative attitudes
  • Dealing with difficult employees
  • Understanding why employees can be difficult
  • Utilizing the Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument
  • Analyzing the various styles for influencing

Group Dynamics

  • Building high performance team dynamics
  • Avoiding ineffective team dynamics
  • Rating your team’s group process
  • Understanding different team player styles
  • Examining critical team member competencies

  Team Decision Making

  • Examining a team decision making model
  • Utilizing the Vroom-Yetton leadership model
  • Considering methods of group decision making
  • Inspecting benefits and drawbacks of group decision methods
  • Overcoming barriers to effective decision making

 Team Problem Solving

  • Defining creative problem solving
  • Appreciating the difference between left and right brain thinking
  • Obtaining the benefits of brainstorming
  • Making use of DeBono’s six thinking hats
  • Considering Von Oech’s work on overcoming mental locks
  • Applying the four roles of the creative process

 Conflict Resolution

  • Understanding constructive vs. destructive conflict
  • Obtaining the benefits of positive conflict
  • Digging down to the roots of conflict
  • Employing an effective conflict management model
  • Examining the 5 styles for dealing with conflict

 Time Management

  • Managing time on a daily basis
  • Understanding why people procrastinate
  • Setting personal goals in all key areas to guide the use of your time
  • Employing an effective goal setting formula
  • Understanding the principles of achievement
  • Using the key to your power
  • Examining the impact of your belief system
  • Changing your limiting beliefs