With ever increasing globalization and the need for 24×7 availability of resources, Business Continuity Management (BCM) has now become a buzzword across the globe. Recall the chaos that occurred when popular products like WhatsApp or Facebook were unavailable even for a few hours! And have you ever wondered how these Companies quickly bounced back with the services? This was all possible due to BCM. Effective BCM ensures that the business will be able to provide a minimum acceptable service in the event of a disaster, and thus helps preserve corporate reputation, image and revenue. BCM has also become an important component of Corporate Governance. With growing threats of cyber-attacks BCM has assumed an even larger significance as businesses can be shaken to their core in very short time as witnessed by web-attack of the huge Oil Company, Saudi Aramco

This two-day program will help you to understand the significance of BCM, the components of BCM, the techniques and strategies required to protect business from potential threats and increase its ability to remain operational even in the midst of a severe disaster
What Will Students Learn?
- Understand the meaning and importance of Business Continuity
- Understand the BCI frame work
- Learn how BCM impacts whole Organization and why it is essential
- Learn the importance of testing and implementing BCM Plans
- Help to strengthen business continuity and reduce losses and reputation
- Assist in planning and implementation of BCMS
What Topics are Covered?
- Definition of Business Continuity
- Business Continuity Framework
- BCM Life Cycle
- Best Practices in BCM
- Suggested BCM Framework
- Implementing BCMS